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Marras C, Beck JC, Bower JH,
Roberts EM, Ritz B, Ross GW, Abbott RD, Savica R, Van Den Eeden SK, Willis AW, Tanner CM; Parkinson’s Foundation P4 Group.  Prevalence of Parkinson’s disease across North America.  NPJ Parkinson’s Disease, 2018;4:21.

Shaw GM, Yang W,
 Roberts EM, Aghaeepour N, Mayo JA, Weber KA, Maric I, Carmichael SL, Winn VD, Stevenson DK, English PB.  Residential agricultural pesticide exposures and risks of preeclampsia.  Environmental Research, 2018;164:546-555.

Shaw GM, Yang W,
Roberts EM, Kegley SE, Stevenson DK, Carmichael SL, English PB.  Residential Agricultural Pesticide Exposures and Risks of Spontaneous Preterm Birth.  Epidemiology, 2018;29(1):8-21.

Roberts EM
, Madrigal D, Valle J, King G, Kite L.  Assessing Child Lead Poisoning Case Ascertainment in the US, 1999-2000.  Pediatrics, 2017;139(5):e20164266.

Nelson L, Valle J, King G, Mills PK, Richardson MJ,
Roberts EM, Smith D, English P.  Estimating the Proportion of Childhood Cancer Cases and Costs Attributable to the Environment in California.  American Journal of Public Health, 2017;107(5):756-762.

Roberts EM
, English PB.  Analysis of multiple-variable missing-not-at-random survey data for child lead surveillance using NHANES. Statistics in Medicine, 2016;35(29):5417-5429.

Carmichael SL, Yang W,
Roberts EM, Kegley SE, Brown TJ, English PB, Lammer EJ, Shaw GM.  Residential agricultural pesticide exposures and risks of selected birth defects among offspring in the San Joaquin Valley of California.  Birth defects research. Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology. 2016;106(1):27-35.

Valle J,
Roberts EM, Paulukonis S, Collins N, English P, Kaye W.  Epidemiology and surveillance of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in two large metropolitan areas in California.  Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & frontotemporal degeneration. 2015;16(3-4):209-15.

Yang W, Carmichael SL,
Roberts EM, Kegley SE, Padula AM, English PB, Shaw GM.  Residential agricultural pesticide exposures and risk of neural tube defects and orofacial clefts among offspring in the San Joaquin Valley of California.  American Journal of Epidemiology, 2014;179(6):740-748.

Shaw GM, Yang W,
Roberts EM, Kegley SE, Padula A, English PB, Carmichael SL. Early pregnancy agricultural pesticide exposures and risk of gastroschisis among offspring in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Birth defects research. Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology. 2014;100(9):686-94.

Carmichael SL, Yang W,
Roberts EM, Kegley SE, Padula AM, English PB, Lammer EJ, Shaw GM. Residential agricultural pesticide exposures and risk of selected congenital heart defects among offspring in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Environmental Research. 2014;135:133-8.

Roberts EM
, English PB.  Bayesian modeling of time-dependent vulnerability to environmental hazards: an example using autism and pesticidedata.  Statistics in Medicine. 2013;32(13):2308-19.

Roberts EM
, Kumar B, Collins N, Guo L, King G, Wong M, Barlow J, Bichler J, Cady L, Engel C, Garrett D, Harrison M, Morieko A, Murgai N, Tanjasiri SP, Pierce K.  Guidelines for the mapping of cancer registry data: results from a breast cancer expert panel study.  Journal of Public Health Management and Practice.  2013;19(3):E1-E10.

Carmichael SL, Yang W,
Roberts EM, Kegley SE, Wolff C, Guo L, Lammer EJ, English P, Shaw GM.  Hypospadias and residential proximity to pesticide applications.  Pediatrics, 2013;132(5):e1216-1226.

Thurston GD, Bekkedal MYV,
Roberts EM, Ito K, Pope CA, Glenn BS, Özkaynak H, and Utell MJ.  Use of Health information in Air Pollution Health Research:  Past Successes and Emerging Needs.  Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 2009;19:45-58.

Roberts EM
, English PB, Wong M, Wolff C, Falade M.  Spatially continuous local rate modeling for communication in public health: a practical approach.  Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 2008;14(6):562-568.

Roberts EM
, English PB, Grether JK, Windham GC, Somberg L, Wolff C.  Maternal Residence Near Agricultural Pesticide Applications and Autism Spectrum Disorders Among Children in the California Central Valley.  Environmental Health Perspectectives, 2007;115(10):1482-9.

Roberts EM
, English PB, Wong M, Wolff C, Valdez S, Van den Eeden SK, Ray GT.  Progress in pediatric asthma surveillance II: geospatial patterns of asthma in Alameda County, California.  Preventing Chronic Disease, 2006;3(3):A92.

Roberts EM
, English PB, Van den Eeden SK, Ray GT.  Progress in pediatric asthma surveillance I: the application of health care use data in Alameda County, California.  Preventing Chronic Disease, 2006;3(3):A91.

Roberts EM
.  Does your child have asthma? Parent reports and medication use for pediatric asthma.  Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 2003;157(5):449-55.

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