Publication List - Mark Foy

Berkeley, California, USA  [San Francisco Bay Area]

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 ( Latest publication list available at: )


( Some below publications also listed on Mark’s Google Scholar page: )


Foy, M., M. Marchese, and G. Jacucci (1999).  Engineering Plasma Spray Films by Knowledge Based Simulation.  In: A. Baskin, G. Kovács, and G. Jacucci (Editors), Cooperative Knowledge Processing for Engineering Design, IFIP Conference Proceedings 137, ISBN 0-412-83750-1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 289-305. {Entire Paper/Chapter in PDF} {Reference to Book and Contents} {Buy book at}


Jacucci, G., M. Foy, and C. Uhrik (1996).  Developing Transportable Agricultural Decision Support Systems: Part 1 - A Conceptual Framework.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 14/4 (1996), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 291-300. {Abstract in PDF} {Abstract on Web} {Scan of Entire Paper in PDF}


Jacucci, G., M. Foy, and C. Uhrik (1996).  Developing Transportable Agricultural Decision Support Systems: Part 2 - An Example.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 14/4 (1996), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 301-315. {Abstract in PDF} {Abstract on Web} {Scan of Entire Paper in PDF}


Jacucci, G., M. Foy, and C. Uhrik (1995).  An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Methodology for the Adaptation of Agricultural Models.  Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Pergamon Press Ltd. Oxford, UK.  {Under Consideration for Publication} {Presented at The Second IFAC/IFIP/EurAgEng Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 29-31 May 1995 - Proc. pp. 143-148.} {Entire Paper in PDF}


Jacucci, G., M. Foy, and C. Uhrik (1995).  A SYBIL DSS: A Transportable Computerized Decision Support System For Plant Protection.  In: Proc. of the 1995 Annual Conference of the Associozione Italiana per L’Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico (AICA’95), Cagliari, Italy, 27-29 Sept. 1995.  {Scan of Entire Paper in PDF}


Jacucci, G., M. Foy, and C. Uhrik (1995).  Genetic Algorithms (GAs) in the Role of Intelligent Regional Adaptation Agents for Agricultural Decision Support Systems.  In: D.W. Pearson, N.C. Steele, and R.F. Albrecht (Editors), Proc. of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (ICANNGA95), Ecole Des Mines d’Ales, France, 18-21 April 1995, Springer-Verlag, pp. 428-431. {Entire Paper in PDF}


Jacucci, G., M. Foy, and C. Uhrik (1994). SYBIL DSS: Localization of Agricultural Risk Assessment Models.  In: Proc. of Decision Support 2001 (DSS2001)/The 17th Annual Geographic Information Seminar/The Resource Technology '94 Symposium, Toronto, Canada, 12-16 Sept. 1994, American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. {Entire Paper in PDF}


Foy, M., M. Marchese, L. Manini and G. Jacucci (1994).  The FABERCOAT System: A Design Tool for Plasma-Sprayed Coatings.  In: Proc. of CIRP International Workshop on Design Theory and Methodology, Stockholm, Sweden, 16-17 June 1994.  {Scan of Entire Paper in PDF}


Foy, M. and C. Uhrik (1993).  Exploiting Domain Knowledge, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms to Harvest Traffic Simulation Results.  In: I. Mezgár and P. Bertók (Editors), Knowledge Based Hybrid System, Proceedings of the IFIP TC5/WG5.3/IFAC International Working Conference on Knowledge Based Hybrid Systems in Engineering and Manufacturing, KNOWHSEM '93, Budapest, Hungary, 20-22 April, 1993, ISBN 0-444-81484-1. IFIP Transactions, North-Holland, pp. 119-130. {Reference to Book and Contents} {Buy book at} {Scan of Entire Paper in PDF}


Foy, M., R. F. Benekohal, and D. E. Goldberg (1992).  Signal Timing Determination Using Genetic Algorithms.  Transportation Research Record, No 1365: Highway Capacity and Traffic Flow, National Academy Press, pp. 108-115. {Buy book at} {Scan of Entire Paper in PDF}


 [This paper was presented by Mark Foy at the VACRO Day Workshop in Palermo, Italy on Oct. 24, 1994: SYBIL DSS - Agricultural Risk Assessment Models for Grapes. {Paper in PDF}]


Foy, M. (1992).  qscripts for finite element analysis packages now on Cray systems.  Data Link**, July-August 1992, pp.6-7.


Foy, M. (1992).  NASTRAN67 and qnastran now on CRAY Y-MP system.  Data Link**, July-August 1992, pp.27-33.


Foy, M. (1992).  GAUSSIAN92 and new qgauss script now on Cray systems and IBM cluster.  Data Link**, July-August 1992, pp.14-19.


Foy, M. (1992).  qabaqus simplifies job submission on ABAQUS users on Cray systems.  Data Link**, March-April 1992, pp.31-37.


Foy, M. and D. Tafti (1992).  FIDAP updated and qfidap script available on Cray systems.  Data Link**, January-February 1992, pp.19-25.


Foy, M. (1991).  qgeneric script helps Cray users submit NQS jobs.  Data Link**, September-October 1991, pp.16-30.


Golab, J. and M. Foy (1991).  GAUSSIAN90 ready to use on the Cray systems.  Data Link**, May-June 1991, pp.17-27.


Golab, J. and M. Foy (1991).  AMPAC gets a facelift on the Cray systems.  Data Link**, March-April 1991, pp.17-25.


Golab, J. and M. Foy (1991).  New version of GAMESS on Cray systems.  Data Link**, March-April 1991, pp.26-36.


**Data Link is NCSA's technical newsletter.  NCSA is the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.